Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A few things

The save the date cards finally arrived yesterday after being engaged for four months, or so I was told. We didn't really think we needed one at first because we aren't inviting as many people to Maine as we will the reception in Houston after, but we quickly realized we were wrong. The most important informaion on the save the date card is the link to the website where all the flight, lodging, and logistical information is located.

I am continuing to exchange emails with the florist and event coordinator in Maine. Wes and I might actually get to taste cakes sent from Maine when we go to Houston in a week and a half. Exciting! That will be one of the first wedding planning things we have done together. I think Wes is going to play a bigger role in shaping the ceremony. Unfortunately we still have not found a summer clergy who has preached at the church to marry us yet. A woman from Maine is working on finding out who that will be, but we can't do much to plan the ceremony until we know what role the Episcopalian minister will play and what Dave Congo, Wes' brother-in-law's dad, can do. He will do the message part of the ceremony, but we don't know what exactly that entails.

That's pretty much it for now. I can't wait for June, and I can't believe that the wedding is just over four months away now! Exciting!!

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